Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wet Blankets...

WARNING: The following post is a rant, if you would like to just look at the picture, and skip the rant, just move on to the big number "2" thank you for reading,

#1: I woke up this morning, and double checked to see if it was valentines day. Yep, it is. I thought about how it seems people are making it way more then it is. I see facebook debates, other blogs posting they're stance on this day, also known as "Feb 14th". I find that My stance on it, is I don't have a stance. I would rather use the brain cells fighting for Orphans. 

But in all serousness, It's stupid. I saw as many statuses/blogs about Valentines day as the presidental election last november. Now this is also known as "singles awareness day" but for non-americans, the fourth of july isn't "Not-americans awareness day"

Love exists... let it for those who have it. Now if other countries tried taking away the 4th of July from America, There would be war. When other religions try taking away christmas, it gets to be a big deal.

I find that even with simple statuses, for example "I like oreos" You have people posting "Gross! I hate oreos!" It's like "Then post that as your status, this status is for those who *like* oreos" I like to call those people "Party Poopers" "Wet blankets" or worse of all "Wet socks"

For goodness sake, let someone have fun without being a pickle in a cookie jar. Just let the cookies have fun without getting pickle juice on them, and making them feel soggy and gross, Please! Kay, I'm done now.

#2: Here is my pic for Valentines day