Friday, September 27, 2013


Some people like to become biologists and study animals and stuff. That's totally cool. But I like to watch Humans. I've noticed things these days. I'm sure there were ways to do what I'm about to point out. but it's gotten worse over time. I'll name the main point. and then expand on that. So here I go.

Self Consciousness: This has gone from Thinking out loud in peoples heads. To out on the interwebs. Our Example will be "Do I look fat?"...Original huh? So now we have people who used to just think it. and maybe ask someone close to them when it comes to their mind. But now it has to be out on the web. People put it out on Facebook. People come to the rescue and are all like "Ohhh! No your not fat! Your beautiful!" Which is exactly what the person wanted them to say. Now I'm wondering how people can continuously fall for the same trap over and over again? The only logical conclusion is that they aren't falling for it. I know. this is weird. But we do this without being aware of it. but we come to the rescue, knowing that we'll need it eventually. Is this the circle of life? I don't know. But its getting weirder and weirder as things go.

(Psychological term): I don't know what it is. But this is something I've always found fascinating over time. But its kind of like this.

Sir #1: (Drops wallet)

Sir #2: (Picks up said wallet and returns it) Hey, sir #1! You dropped your wallet and I picked it up to give it to you!

Notice how Sir #2 pretty much worshiped himself over his good deed? People do things like this over and over again. Picking up garbage off the street and looking around wondering if anyone saw him perform this public of amazingness. He should get a gold medal, a plaque, and a one way ticket to heaven.

Seriously its stupid. I know you like to be recognized for what we do. But for every dumb thing you do, do you look around  wondering if anyone saw you perform this public display of stupidity? No! You Don't. Well some people do. that leads to the next topic.

I don't even know what to call this either. So...(Throws that idea out the window) This is a really simple topic to get, so I don't need to explain much. So here I go...

...People do stupid things to get attention. Specifically members of the Male Gender.

Either way! Its Late! And I need to get to bed! Enjoy reading! And have a wonderful weekend!

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