Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walking in (and out) the winter wonderland!

I suppose I could show you what i've been working on as of late...basically nothing. I was rather caught up in school, and thanksgiving, and Family. I know, I know, all my fans are booing and sueing me for no posting, not that there are many fans to sue me. aw well.

Anyways. It fiiiinnnaaaallllyyyy snowed here in Northern MI...and stuck. there is a difference. it snowed a month ago, didn't stick, didn't count. anyways. So i wake up one morning...look out my window and think "Oh what a beautiful day it is for a walk" so...Prepare myself for public, put on my coat. open the door. and withen a few minutes i find out that this white stuff on the ground is rather cold. (yes i know...it surprises me every year) So i walk back inside, warm my hands up, put on another coat. and head out. It took me a few minutes, again to realise one thing...


I forgot my camera...

So i walk back, grab the camera. and leave. this is for sure now. Im off. walking down the red brick road. See a totally picture-perfect tree, snap a picture, another picture...one moreeeee...okay...perfect. I then see lamp...of course! A lamp! I then pull up my camera...focus it, zoom, exposure. and *Click* and i get a reading on the screen saying "Battery Out"




*bigger sigh*


*way bigger sigh*


*biggest sigh*

...Best day ever! I've braved the cold for 45 minutes, walked in and out of my house like a mad man. and got one good picture.  But thats how (real) photography works. you could take 300 pictures...and only have 10 turn out how you wanted them to. It probably sounds depressing right? Its not once you get used to it. But so is depression :P

So thats the one! Thanks for reading!

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