Tuesday, December 17, 2013
When Death is Crowned: A rude awakening.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
When Death is Crowned: Dream.
Monday, November 25, 2013
When Death is Crowned: Incorporating circles of circular knowing.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
When Death is Crowned: Who's Tracy?
Friday, November 15, 2013
When death is crowned: Intro to Aton Bowden.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
When death is crowned: Heather's beckoning
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
When death is crowned: Intro to Timothy Shelfer
Saturday, November 9, 2013
When death is crowned part one: When darkness calls, do you answer?
Friday, September 27, 2013
Self Consciousness: This has gone from Thinking out loud in peoples heads. To out on the interwebs. Our Example will be "Do I look fat?"...Original huh? So now we have people who used to just think it. and maybe ask someone close to them when it comes to their mind. But now it has to be out on the web. People put it out on Facebook. People come to the rescue and are all like "Ohhh! No your not fat! Your beautiful!" Which is exactly what the person wanted them to say. Now I'm wondering how people can continuously fall for the same trap over and over again? The only logical conclusion is that they aren't falling for it. I know. this is weird. But we do this without being aware of it. but we come to the rescue, knowing that we'll need it eventually. Is this the circle of life? I don't know. But its getting weirder and weirder as things go.
(Psychological term): I don't know what it is. But this is something I've always found fascinating over time. But its kind of like this.
Sir #1: (Drops wallet)
Sir #2: (Picks up said wallet and returns it) Hey, sir #1! You dropped your wallet and I picked it up to give it to you!
Notice how Sir #2 pretty much worshiped himself over his good deed? People do things like this over and over again. Picking up garbage off the street and looking around wondering if anyone saw him perform this public of amazingness. He should get a gold medal, a plaque, and a one way ticket to heaven.
Seriously its stupid. I know you like to be recognized for what we do. But for every dumb thing you do, do you look around wondering if anyone saw you perform this public display of stupidity? No! You Don't. Well some people do. that leads to the next topic.
I don't even know what to call this either. So...(Throws that idea out the window) This is a really simple topic to get, so I don't need to explain much. So here I go...
...People do stupid things to get attention. Specifically members of the Male Gender.
Either way! Its Late! And I need to get to bed! Enjoy reading! And have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Its over...
Now see here. I work at a fast food restraunt, and people are very rude to us employees. Now I would like to say, we do make mistakes. Of course we do. Its a given, and everyone does.
And sometimes i feel like people think that im trying to make they're lives horrid. Trust me, I did not wake up this morning thinking "i want to make they're lives miserable"
And also, please do not treat us like slaves. Slavery is over. We are employed, trained, and there to get you what you want. But we also have feelings, lives.
Please don't be rude. We are people just like you.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
His trial.
Now George Zimmerman was officiallty "not guilty" and he looked pretty happy. I don't think thats right though.
He purposfully shot someone, in self defence yes. But you were outside with a gun? Seems suspicious. And first of all. You are not the one that should have pulled the trigger. If you wen into your house, and he came in? Then yes, I grant you permission.
But if you are not guilty with that. Then how is it that I can accidently hit someone with a car. Maybe someone who is j-walking. And get charged with manslaughter. Its so stupid. Our system needs some work right now.
But now Zimmerman gets to face the true trial. He will die eventually. And he will have to pass God's trial.
Thank for reading.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
What you didn't know about drive through.
So now we can enter this thought process. Just because the person is working at a fast food restraint, does not mean that they are stupid. It means we're smart enough to know that we're going to need money in our future.
Now...You may think you are smarter then those of us who have gone through training to work in a drive through. But you aren't. The phrase "The Costumer is Always Right" Is about the biggest piece of crap...ever...other then dinosaurs pooping rainbows on mars. I just made that up.
But no. you are not always right. You might always get your way...but that's cause we're bending over backwards hoping to please you. And rarely have a heard a "Thank you so much" But when I do! Hey. It's legit.
One of the worse things is the morning. People have not had they're coffee yet. But they didn't have time to make they're own coffee, so they come get some from me. (By the way I woke up at four in the morning) Just to give you a cup of coffee that you probably didn't get what you wanted. Don't blame us, We're giving you what you asked for. You might have not said the right thing. Remember, you haven't had your coffee yet ;)
And the other thing is when people come by at lunch hour and order "five twenty piece chicken nuggets, fourteen large fries (no salt), and 160 cookies, and 12 dipped cones." PLEASE CALL US AND ORDER BEFORE YOU GET THERE! Cause we do not have 100 nuggets sitting there waiting for you. if we did that all the time, we would be throwing them away all the time. And if we did that, we would end up going out of business. And if that happened, all the coffee drinkers would go crazy and lash out at everyone. And when that happens, everyone is cranky. And when everyone is cranky, you kill each other. And no more Chicken Nuggets.
So there you have it. You will probably wait a while, if you come to us with an order like the one I listed above. Cause we have to make everything for you. And the other people, who are also ordering food. Remember, the world does not evolve around you. And there is never a time that it does. The world evolves around the sun.
Thanks for reading, and please take some consideration for others
Thursday, July 11, 2013
To: You. From: Suffering
So I'm working the Mc Donalds drive-through today. This lady gave me a flyer. It wa about suffering. And how we neeed go take hold of it and fix it. I open it up. And it has this crap about seeing doctors about suffering. And what you can do to get away from suffering.
Well here's a reality check. Suffering has beem since Eve took a bite of that apple. It will probably remain till the end of humanity as we know it.
And another check. Suffering is something that can be cured, yes. But not by a doctor, theripest, of psychologest. But by our only true God...God! Seriously. He is the only way. Always. Especially when he knows whats going on in your life.
So yes, Mam. I would love to end suffering. But its not something im willing to fly over millions of suffering americans. To get to a foreign country, to help them. I know they appriciate it. But I find it hipocritical.
Not to be selfish. But rape victems, murderers, thieves, and other people who need help, are all in our very own backyard. Its just harder to find them, cause we're america...and we're to afraid to admit that we need help
Monday, July 8, 2013
Help with money...from a teenager
I know this isn't much of a photography blog anymore. And I'm sorry about that. If you want to check out all my photography you can go here. Thanks.
Allright. Today i heard a man complain about not making enough money, and then he took off to smoke. Not to be down on it. But he had to punch out of work for fifteen minutes...to smoke.
(think about it)
Now doesn't that seem a bit odd that someone would not only choose go not make money. But spend money also? I know its a hard addiction to break. But wouldn't it be worth it? Plus. Why smoke anyways? Seriously. Think about it...logically...and there is not a single reason you "need" to smoke. Not to mention is awful for.you.
Addictions in general are one of mankind's greatest downfalls. Drinking, smoking, starving, eating, lust. It doesn't ever bring good. Unless your not right in the head.
Don't you think that if you are having money issues, that maybe you should hold back on the smoking, drinking, and dare i say it...uber fancy coffees?
Just a thought from a young person.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Our world vs. God's word.
Yes most of you know that Christianity is hitting an all time low. But for those of us that are, are not doing enough about it. Notice of facebook you can post some really profound nonsense and it gets like 30 likes. But you post somthing about Christ and people are like...
"Oh...yeah well-"
..Shutup! Well don't shutup. Take those words you were going to say, and use them on someone who doesn't know christ. Its easy to preach to the chior, and yourself. Please get out there. I probably won't. It's not my strength. But i strongly encurage you to get out there.
If your going to say "I don't have any non-christain friends" then go.make some. And then turn them into warriors, just like you. Its easier said then done. But thats no reason to not do anything. We should be doing everything. We can do all things through Christ. He will lead you the right way.
Now your probably wondering "what if he isn't leading me to evangelize?" and I say "Thats fine. Though everyone could say that, making this post irrelevent. Make sure you can tell the difference between your own wanting, and what he wants"
The world isn't safe anymore. But God's word is, and always will be safe.
To kill a knocking bird
The past few weeks at church, a bluejay keeps flying to the window and knocking. Not sure if the end of the world is about to start, or if it needs to be put in an asylum. Either way. It needs to die. Any sugestions?
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Pondering twice...
I find these days that its gone from "Woman's rights" to "Woman's domination"
Those commericals and all. The wife is liks "My husband is an idiot! Ugh" thanks...thank you so much.
And the want for marraige had gone up for woman. But it has hit the tank for men. No kiddding.
I just hate it. American's take something someone says and we run with it. Run to the next extreme. Beat it to a pulp and say "it's perfect!"
Again. May i mention the ability to be equally free?
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Pondering once...
Ever thought that maybe what the founding fathers meant, was for us to be equally free? Instead of trying to make equality and freedom be two different things? Just a thought.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
In 30 seconds...
-Give your cat a good petting.
-Think a lot of thoughts.
-Pour a glass of water.
-Burn a poptart.
-Fold a blanket.
-Take a picture.
This is a focus on what you can do in 30 seconds. I had an experience taking a picture that really changed the way I see the world work. I kinda see things in slow motion now.
I was on my way home from orchestra and the fog was thick, very thick. I got home, grabbed my tripod, camera, and headed out the door. I ran down the street. Out of breath at the top of a hill, I set up my tripod and set the shutterspeed on my camera for 30 seconds. *Cli-*(30 seconds of selince)...
That was the longest 30 seconds in my life. But it was well worth it. When I saw the result I jumped for joy. People driving by probably thought some nice thoughts about me. But it was well worth that also.
Here you go...
Thank you for reading, please visit my facebook page at J.M. Photography.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Over-exsessive posting
You are probably saying "I don't care what this person thinks" but then why do you care to post it to facebook (or twitter or whatever)? It can actually end up with broken hearts all around.
Divorce rates skyrocket as we advance in technology, and im positive there is a connection there.
Once I was at a restraunt and I saw what appeared to be a husband and wife. The husband was sitting there holding his wife's hand. And in her other hand She was on her smartphone. after half an hour he said something. And she just said she was chatting with someone. I watched him sit back and pay for the food. And she puts down her phone. They let the restraunt arguing.
As a photographer I find myself around a lot of places. I was downtown Charlevoix this past summer and I saw a Couple holding hands and being cute. I thought it was adorable. They kissed. and hugged after a while, but during the hug, the guy had is phone in his hand, looking at it around her back. I might be too quick to judge, but thats an awful thing.
Thats all i have to say.
-A conciderate human being
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The abnormal macro shot...
Thanks for reading. check out my facebook page at J.M. Photography :)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
I took a picture of a sunset the other day, and realized how cliche it is to take pictures of a sunset. I was sitting there trying to find what I could do to make this picture different. It finally applied B&W to the picture. It is worked just great on this. Its not something you see everyday, Black and White on a picture. But in my humble oppinion it was very appealing to the eye.
Thanks for reading :) Visit my facebook page at "J.M. Photography"
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The great ouside
I throw my balmy covers off of me, and shiver at the realization that my room, is too, also frigid. Touching my feet to the floor sent chills up and down my spine. You get the point, it was cold.
One thing led to another and I was outside, in full winter gear, prepared for total gusts of pure snow. With a camera on a tripod, I was standing on the top of a hill, totally exposed to bitter winter. I had it set and ready, it looked exactly how I pictured it in my head (only better) and I was ready...for...a sore finger. After continuous shutter sound for an hour, my neighbor was watching me, probably thinking I'm a madman. Especially when I was dancing in a snowdrift after I finally got the shot.
Here's the picture...
Thanks for reading, you can see more pictures like this at my facebook page "I spy photography" Thanks again!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Off to see the Harbor.
<-That was jsut an experement. Thanks for looking!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Photo Contest
But here I am. scoping out the competition, thinking "Wow, I don't stand a chance" But then again I wonder if everyone else is thinking the same thing. There are some really great pictures out there. I allready have a favorite, and its not mine.
But I hope I win, It would be great. Here's the picture I posted for the contest.
Thanks for reading! Go see more of my pictures at "I spy photography" on facebook.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Kay, I'm done now.
Plus, photography is a lot more motavating when you don't have to put on six layers of clothes, and then head outside. to find that you spent a half an hour of preparation to walk out and realize you didn't charge your battery. I find it more fun in the summer. Because you can just slip into your Flippy Floppies and head out, to find that you didn't charge your battery.
This has been a great winter for photography, indeed. I've gotten some shots I would willingly say "Goodjob Jon" and then pat myself on the back. But I've also grown in maturity, with photography. I've done a lot of studying, I know what people like to see. I. Am. ready.
(que inception soundtrack)
I have a new perspective on the world, a new camera, and a new audience. (swiched lenses in slow motion, inception soundtrack still going) I'm ready to face the searing, summer sun, with some sunblock, and sunglasses. Im ready to get out my shorts, put on my flip flops, get out a beach chair, and people watch on the beach. I. Am. Ready.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Wet Blankets...
#1: I woke up this morning, and double checked to see if it was valentines day. Yep, it is. I thought about how it seems people are making it way more then it is. I see facebook debates, other blogs posting they're stance on this day, also known as "Feb 14th". I find that My stance on it, is I don't have a stance. I would rather use the brain cells fighting for Orphans.
But in all serousness, It's stupid. I saw as many statuses/blogs about Valentines day as the presidental election last november. Now this is also known as "singles awareness day" but for non-americans, the fourth of july isn't "Not-americans awareness day"
Love exists... let it for those who have it. Now if other countries tried taking away the 4th of July from America, There would be war. When other religions try taking away christmas, it gets to be a big deal.
I find that even with simple statuses, for example "I like oreos" You have people posting "Gross! I hate oreos!" It's like "Then post that as your status, this status is for those who *like* oreos" I like to call those people "Party Poopers" "Wet blankets" or worse of all "Wet socks"
For goodness sake, let someone have fun without being a pickle in a cookie jar. Just let the cookies have fun without getting pickle juice on them, and making them feel soggy and gross, Please! Kay, I'm done now.
#2: Here is my pic for Valentines day
wet socks
I was out by lake Michigan shooting my canon (camera...not an actual canon) And I was out in some deep snow. When I say "deep snow" I think like 6-12 inches, so im walking, snow boots, and snow pants. trudging through the snow. All ready to take an awesome picture. And...
This 6-12 inch snow had a bunch of snow babies, it was probably two and a half feet deep. It pushed my snow pants up, and sent snow down my boots. So now these well insulated boots are doing their job, and melting the snow and you-know-what (if you don't. the answer is "Wet socks")
I was frozen, In a state of wetsockness. There is nothing you can do, to prevent this from stopping. I was out in the cold,. frigid air, blasting my allready arctic face. It was only a matter of time before I had frozen socks. My wet hair from the shower, was allready frozen on the tips. I had to get this shot quick.
Now, getting the perfect shot is impossible. Getting something close is hard. I got something close (happy smile) I was going for a Snow covered hill, with grass still poking out, with foot steps going off, over the hill. Can you picture it? If not, thats fine. I got the picture for you. Here...
Monday, February 11, 2013
Been cold (rainy) winter.
I went out on a photoshoot, with nature, two weeks ago. And I did manage snap some really good shots. Well, I was going to get a really great shot of something (trys to eplain and fails miserably) And my battery went dead (orders a substitute battery) So I'll show you my favorite shot from that shoot. Here...