Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Its over...

Now see here. I work at a fast food restraunt, and people are very rude to us employees. Now I would like to say, we do make mistakes. Of course we do. Its a given, and everyone does.

And sometimes i feel like people think that im trying to make they're lives horrid. Trust me, I did not wake up this morning thinking "i want to make they're lives miserable"

And also, please do not treat us like slaves. Slavery is over. We are employed, trained, and there to get you what you want. But we also have feelings, lives.

Please don't be rude. We are people just like you.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

His trial.

Now George Zimmerman was officiallty "not guilty" and he looked pretty happy. I don't think thats right though.

He purposfully shot someone, in self defence yes. But you were outside with a gun? Seems suspicious. And first of all. You are not the one that should have pulled the trigger. If you wen into your house, and he came in? Then yes, I grant you permission.

But if you are not guilty with that. Then how is it that I can accidently hit someone with a car. Maybe someone who is j-walking. And get charged with manslaughter. Its so stupid. Our system needs some work right now.

But now Zimmerman gets to face the true trial. He will die eventually. And he will have to pass God's trial.

Thank for reading.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What you didn't know about drive through.

Well I think we can all agree that we don't know everything. We would like to believe that we do. We would like to do it without any work at all. And we all know that if we literally knew everything, our heads would explode. yup.

So now we can enter this thought process. Just because the person is working at a fast food restraint, does not mean that they are stupid. It means we're smart enough to know that we're going to need money in our future.

Now...You may think you are smarter then those of us who have gone through training to work in a drive through. But you aren't. The phrase "The Costumer is Always Right" Is about the biggest piece of crap...ever...other then dinosaurs pooping rainbows on mars. I just made that up.

But no.  you are not always right. You might always get your way...but that's cause we're bending over backwards hoping to please you. And rarely have a heard a "Thank you so much" But when I do! Hey. It's legit.
One of the worse things is the morning. People have not had they're coffee yet. But they didn't have time to make they're own coffee, so they come get some from me. (By the way I woke up at four in the morning) Just to give you a cup of coffee that you probably didn't get what you wanted. Don't blame us, We're giving you what you asked for. You might have not said the right thing. Remember, you haven't had your coffee yet ;)

And the other thing is when people come by at lunch hour and order "five twenty piece chicken nuggets, fourteen large fries (no salt), and 160 cookies, and 12 dipped cones." PLEASE CALL US AND ORDER BEFORE YOU GET THERE! Cause we do not have 100 nuggets sitting there waiting for you. if we did that all the time, we would be throwing them away all the time. And if we did that, we would end up going out of business. And if that happened, all the coffee drinkers would go crazy and lash out at everyone. And when that happens, everyone is cranky. And when everyone is cranky, you kill each other. And no more Chicken Nuggets.

So there you have it. You will probably wait a while, if you come to us with an order like the one I listed above. Cause we have to make everything for you. And the other people, who are also ordering food. Remember, the world does not evolve around you. And there is never a time that it does. The world evolves around the sun.

Thanks for reading, and please take some consideration for others

Thursday, July 11, 2013

To: You. From: Suffering

So I'm working the Mc Donalds drive-through today. This lady gave me a flyer. It wa about suffering. And how we neeed go take hold of it and fix it. I open it up. And it has this crap about seeing doctors about suffering. And what you can do to get away from suffering.

Well here's a reality check. Suffering has beem since Eve took a bite of that apple. It will probably remain till the end of humanity as we know it.

And another check. Suffering is something that can be cured, yes. But not by a doctor, theripest, of psychologest. But by our only true God...God! Seriously. He is the only way. Always. Especially when he knows whats going on in your life.

So yes, Mam. I would love to end suffering. But its not something im willing to fly over millions of suffering americans. To get to a foreign country, to help them. I know they appriciate it. But I find it hipocritical.

Not to be selfish. But rape victems, murderers, thieves, and other people who need help, are all in our very own backyard. Its just harder to find them, cause we're america...and we're to afraid to admit that we need help

Monday, July 8, 2013

Help with money...from a teenager

I know this isn't much of a photography blog anymore. And I'm sorry about that. If you want to check out all my photography you can go here. Thanks.

Allright. Today i heard a man complain about not making enough money, and then he took off to smoke. Not to be down on it. But he had to punch out of work for fifteen smoke.

(think about it)

Now doesn't that seem a bit odd that someone would not only choose go not make money. But spend money also? I know its a hard addiction to break. But wouldn't it be worth it? Plus. Why smoke anyways? Seriously. Think about it...logically...and there is not a single reason you "need" to smoke. Not to mention is awful

Addictions in general are one of mankind's greatest downfalls. Drinking, smoking, starving, eating, lust. It doesn't ever bring good. Unless your not right in the head.

Don't you think that if you are having money issues, that maybe you should hold back on the smoking, drinking, and dare i say it...uber fancy coffees?

Just a thought from a young person.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our world vs. God's word.

Yes most of you know that Christianity is hitting an all time low. But for those of us that are, are not doing enough about it. Notice of facebook you can post some really profound nonsense and it gets like 30 likes. But you post somthing about Christ and people are like...

"Oh...yeah well-"

..Shutup! Well don't shutup. Take those words you were going to say, and use them on someone who doesn't know christ. Its easy to preach to the chior, and yourself. Please get out there. I probably won't. It's not my strength. But i strongly encurage you to get out there.

If your going to say "I don't have any non-christain friends" then go.make some. And then turn them into warriors, just like you. Its easier said then done. But thats no reason to not do anything. We should be doing everything. We can do all things through Christ. He will lead you the right way.

Now your probably wondering "what if he isn't leading me to evangelize?" and I say "Thats fine. Though everyone could say that, making this post irrelevent. Make sure you can tell the difference between your own wanting, and what he wants"

The world isn't safe anymore. But God's word is, and always will be safe.

To kill a knocking bird

The past few weeks at church, a bluejay keeps flying to the window and knocking. Not sure if the end of the world is about to start, or if it needs to be put in an asylum. Either way. It needs to die. Any sugestions?