"United states of america"
This is something that a 18 year old boy who is growing up in the states sees all around himself. Almost as thought it's been brainwashed into his brain, and is being forced to believe it. It really is a puzzling thing that even the past two generations have seen not a whole lot of. "United we stand." Is it true? Do we, as Americans stand for each other? Or do we only believe in a lie that was once true?
I look around me, social media, politics, and just general life and civilization as it is. All these things about being politically correct about how we say things to each other, and treating others equally. Has that become the moral focus of our equality? Has that become what we call "United?"
Again, I stare around me looking at things such as equality, racism, and sexism rip apart families in a way that is terrifying to me. Why are we letting things like that become the focus of our nature when there really is only one thing we need to focus on?
I bet you're all wondering "what do we need to focus on, Jon?" And it's going to sound really corny to you. But, it's really simple. God.
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red, and yellow, black and white, we are precious in his sight. He loves the little children of the world."
Now if you read that and got caught up on how scandalous that is. Shut up, take a walk, and talk to me when your mind is clear, because you are proving my point. You completely missed the focus of that song. It's not pointing out any differences in our races. It's in fact telling us that Jesus loves all of us no matter what. It's uniting us as not only a country, but a world. Take it from Jesus, he knows a thing or two about being united.