She opened
her eyes, not knowing how she was saved, or was she in heaven? No. She’d be in
hell. There were two men talking to each other across the room. One she
recognized from earlier, he had a nametag on, Aton Bowdon, perfect. And then,
other man, not so much. He seemed spiffy, well put together. But the Darker
complexion didn’t help any. He was bald, built like a tank. But he wore a suit.
She dubbed him “okay.”
Aton was
looking in her direction, not blinking, was he blind? He seemed relieved to see
that she was awake; at least someone cared, “How’re you holding up?” was he
scared.” The words left her mouth before she knew how true it was. She needed
consistency, a purpose.
“That’s very
natural” the black man spun, looked at her. His nametag read “Evan Boles” The
name didn’t fit him. Not even close.
“And are you
a professor in, sacredness?” she asked this sarcastically.
“Nope, but I
interrogate prisoners. Quiet often actually.” He said, there was a tone of
mockery in his voice. At least someone had a sense of humor.
Aton then
interrupted, “Now Tracy, we need to get started on the training, as soon as you
are ready. We have a deadline to be ready for, and we don’t exactly have a lot
of time.”
“Training? No, Ugh!” Both men seemed confused, they didn’t understand of
course, “Is that my name, Tracy?”
laughed, very loud, and wide “She’s always been a joker, hasn’t she?”
Aton wasn’t
amused though, she wasn’t either, “I’m not joking, I woke up with no
memory. Just had the most eerie dream, I
truly need some help.” She was starting to cry. “I need to see someone who can
help me with this, condition.”
Aton piped
up, “We will have our psychologist come to see you first thing in the morning,
but right now was you might need is something to eat. How about you come out to
the dining room and we can get you a turkey sandwich?”
Yeah. That
sounded good. “Please, I would love that.” She was relieved to know these men
were at least trying to help her, that’s the last thing she needed, was to wake
up with no memory, and have nobody there to help her. She was following Aton
out into a hallway, there were dark, hardwood floors, and logs lining the
walls. She was in an formal log home. When she got to the end of the hallway it
split two ways, to the right was a huge room with a towering ceiling. In the
middle of the room was a long rock table, with wooden chairs lining around it.
At the end of the table there was a huge six foot tall fireplace, and it was
boasting a beautiful welcoming flame.
Were flames
welcome? Was fire a sign was welcome, or was it a sign of pain? Why is it that
when she feels freedom she feels contained? The mysteries of her mind were
racing. And she had no idea where they were racing too. Or why they were
racing. She could only push forward and hope to find the answers to her questions.
She has yet to find out who her friends were. She was Tracy. And that is all
she knew.
Eating was
one of the most awkward things, well, that she could remember. Everything
seemed to be focused on her, and that was the last thing she wanted. Here she
was eating a sandwich, at a huge table. And 4 people were seated at the same
table, and watching her eat. She knew if there was a moment to ask her
questions. Now would be the time.
She pointed
at Aton, and Evan, “I know you two. But who are you guys?” She was being
polite. She meant this question directly to the tall man with long, brown hair.
And a blond, mustache, it was so wrong! He needed some help, serious help. The
other man was an average height from what she could tell. He had a darker
complexion; his face had “evil” written all over it.
Of course
the evil one spoke first, He had a quick way of speaking, “I’m David Lewiston.
I’m the President of Atom Laboratories. And this is Matthew, our chief
scientist. He’s the one who will get you started in the morning.”
Wow. So she’s
working as a lab rat, a test subject? So I’m Tracy, I have no last name yet.
I’m a Test subject for Aton’s little lab. This sounds like an interesting life
she’s gotten herself into. “Well thanks.
Now what exactly am I training, to become?”
smiled “An assassin! You probably don’t remember. But we chose you.”
“Chose me?
Like picked me off the street? ‘She’d be a good lab rat’ what do you think I
David answered
while scribbling in a notebook, “You are Tracy Thompson. You are a very skilled
martial artist. We invited you to join us in our cause and you accepted. You
signed a contract, no backing out.” He opened a folder on the table; he started
to look for something.
She crossed
her arms, “I’d like to see that contract.” She regretted saying that. He had it
out of the folder in no time. He slid it across the table to her. He pointed to
her signature. Crap.
“Well, I’ve
forgotten all I know, in the whole martial arts thing. So what do you expect me
to do?” She was looking for excuses now. And they all knew it.
“We expect
you to learn it! Matthew is an expert in these ways. And you will pick up fast,
and thorough. It’s in your blood.” He took the contract in front of her, and
slid it back into his folder. She studied it to make sure she remembered what
it looked like.
“And who
will I be targeting on my, like, first mission?” She wasn’t sure how to word
that question, it came out awkwardly.
spoke up, he obviously was involved in this “We will be flying you to America,
where you will be deployed in New York City. There is an agent there by the
name of “Timothy Shelfer” and you will study his ways, and when you think the
time is right. You will strike. We want it quick, clean, and we want him dead.”
That name.
It rang a bell in this empty head of hers; it’s probably nothing, really. Her
head was like a massive tornado of memories, and she was drowning in all of it.
She didn’t know what any of them were about, or what was happening to her. But
she knew that there was something fishy about this. And she had a feeling that
there was someone, or some people out there in the world who are looking for
her. And all she needs to do to get their attention is come through with this
assassination. And everything will be all right.